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Position:Home>Poetry> One more poem still incomplete yet almost finsihed.... what do you think?

Question: One more poem still incomplete yet almost finsihed!.!.!.!. what do you think!?
The Old Cobbler

The Old Cobbler was pounding soles at 9
And was wealthier by 10 when sleep took him at 5

Twas strange indeed when at the stroke of 3
came a knock from that crafty old man

The oil fueled light made golden the night
and cast shadows on the old oak floor

As the old devil stepped the boards they all wept
from the weight of his timeless cries

Old Cobbler awoke as the devil he spoke
and asked "What brings the Father of Lies!?"

"A pair of shoes I require that can withstand the fire
and out run the good lord up above!."

"Oh Devil you see just a simple a cobbler I be
and an agent of death isn’t free!."

"I offer you rewards for your shoes that beat Lords
and I give you one year to impress me!."

The oil shadows danced 'round this sad circumstance
as the poor cobbler questioned his needs

He looked to and fro at the tools in a row
as he pondered these profitable deeds!.

His decision was cast and the one year did pass
And the Cobbler he came to a rest

My bones they are sore and can make shoes no more
Now these shoes for the devil are complete

A knock at the door and in walked the whore
With Bare feet and finery replete

You made your decision to build the shoes I commissioned
And I am here to collect my prize

The Cobbler looked up from his half empty cup
To see nothing but death in those eyes

With the best of my skill these shoes I did build
But they will only last a nightWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is certainly fascinating and also very well written!. I was completely swept up in the story!. It has depth and macabre intrigue that captured my imagination and made me think!. I think it begs to be finished and i would dearly love to read the rest that you write!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh oh;me thinks plagiarism inward doth creep!.
In comparison to your previous poem (sic!.) this appears to have come from a book because quite simply it does not seem to be you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com