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Position:Home>Poetry> For all you boring poets out there on yahoo answers?

Question: For all you boring poets out there on yahoo answers!?
peom after poem after poem
same old same old same old
over and over and over again

boring words of meaningless thoughts
of thoughts thought a thousand times a day
by a thousand different troubled minds
from people who moan and whine
and wallow in an ocean of self pitty

an endless sea of people who all feel the same
but who see themsleves trapped on an island
they think inwardly of only themselves
but if they looked into the sea
they would see a thousand more
who feel exactly as they do

sadly they all look the other way
and think about there own unfair lives!.

if it is not this poem
then the other poems will be of
hapiness and joy and passion and love
poems of "sunlight buring brightly in the sky"

i've heard it a thousand times
i'm bored
bored of writing the same old comment:
it's not very origanal
when all i want to put is:
it's terrible!.

so please read my long poem
and think twice
before writing of sun and sky
and passion and mice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've heard this rant a thousand times also!.!.!.bored of reading the same old insensitive junk, not original at all, all I want to say is!.!.!.God Bless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't understand why people like you make such comments, If you don't like the poem or think it is terrible, then say " its terrible" or just don't comment!. No-one puts a gun to your head and makes you comment on every poem!. Poems to me should be interpreted by the reader, thus it is all things to all!. It can be a scary thing to put your thoughts in a poem and post it on here!. Who are you to say it is all crap!? stop being such a pompous critic and live and let live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He, perched high on edifice wall
declared loudly, through his roar
Begone, begone, poets who bore
for I and I alone can judge you all
Although his roar was loud and heard afar
no one thought to ask his reasons why
So he roared and roared and roared some more
until voice was lost and people no longer feared
Then poets came and regaled with sun and love
and passion and mice and all things nice!.
And last he was seen walking!.!.!. with head
shaking, as echoes of poets followedWww@QuestionHome@Com

You have expressed your boredom Now, write a poem about something original!. Are there any original ideas!? If so, I'm sure you will find them!. Poetry is a terrible thing to waste!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Geez!. You must have never heard a good poem!.

Or maybe you just didnt understand what it was talking about!.

Try "An Essay on Man", By Alexander Pope!.

If you don't like that, it means your just too stupid to understand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your poem contains seven orthographical errors!.

Thanks for the two points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your mood of boredom is evident throughout the entire poem!. It really makes me feel bored!. Good job!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, thanks, 2 Points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why do you read and write boring poems! LoL, Roaring out
loud, LoL!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

choose your poison wisely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yaaaawwwwnnnn!.!.!.this poetic rant is so yesterday!.

Why is your thought about boredom more meaningful than someone else's thought about sunlight or personal troubles!?
Everyone has the right to write what they like!. Telling someone to not write is like telling them not to smile, sing, or breathe!. Poetry is subjective!. Therefore, If you don't like it then don't read it or demean it!. There are young and novice feelers at stake here!. also, there are plenty of fabulous poets on this site, you just have to know where to look!.Www@QuestionHome@Com