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Position:Home>Poetry> What does this poem mean? 10 points!?

Question: What does this poem mean!? 10 points!!?
Lambs that learn to walk in snow
When their bleating clouds the air
Meet a vast unwelcome, know
Nothing but a sunless glare!.
Newly stumbling to and fro
All they find, outside the fold,
Is a wretched width of cold!.

As they wait beside the ewe,
Her fleeces wetly caked, there lies
Hidden round them, waiting too,
Earth's immeasurable surprise!.
They could not grasp it if they knew,
What so soon will wake and grow
Utterly unlike the snow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it sounds like the way people follow all completely unaware or uncaring of the reality of life, Until they finally see it in all its glory and splendor or in its worst form!. They are young, and new, walking in purity!. Then they grow up and see the harsh reality of life!. but sometimes the things that life offers are not comprehensible to many!. for they are far too unfathomable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like it has do with GLOBAL WARMING ! =)

that's a very unique, & interesting poem to try and figure out though !.!. makes you think !. !

Global warming is a HUGE issue in the world & can affect future generations incredibly !.!. & we need to act on it, make decisions to improve our environmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Idk!.!.!.sounds like a sheep and a baby sheep in the middle of snowstorm!.

Falling asleep and waking up in summer!.!.!.!.!?


It means that following harsh, cold winter, Spring will awaken and there will soon be grass and daisies for them to eatWww@QuestionHome@Com

idk, but probably hibernation!

Global Warming!?

But it happens, with late snows in england!.Www@QuestionHome@Com