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Position:Home>Poetry> Is this a good poem for my age im 12????

Question: Is this a good poem for my age im 12!?!?!?!?
its pretty short well i think im in grade six and love poetry!

I hear the knocking in my head
As I lay out stradled on my bed
I listen to the rain
And feel this scorching pain
The knocking is from me
The better side I don't want to see
So I lay there wondering why
I can't let the normal me in, as I cry
The cold tears
Add to the painful fears
I try to catch my breath
As I lay waiting as for death
I don't want to live like this
So I phone to hear your voice because it's you I miss
I hear your velvet voice
And I let myself in making a choice
I sob sofly on the phone
Closing my eyes listening to your comforting tone
I let my old self drown
And I smile out of my frown
And let the normal me in
And wipe the tears away that rolled down my chin
You are alway there for me
And you opened my normal self in with your magic key
So now your holding me in your arm
protecting me from evil harm
And now your looking me in the eyes to say
"I loved you every signal day"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow your poem was really great and so awesome and i really like it a lot!.You seem to really have your thoughts and feeliings down well in here and hope you'll keep writing !.,!.,!.,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tha'ts okay, the rhymes are kind of off somehow though!. Nice emotion, but the words don't sound RIGHT!. Work on it, I'm sure you'll improve with time!.

Mine!? http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is very good for your age!.!.!.are you aware you must be 13 to use yahoo answers!.!.!.I would not keep advertising your age!. Keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

You are never too old for any feelings you have, just becarefull how you act on them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow its awsumWww@QuestionHome@Com

thats really good!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've done an exceptional job especially for someone in the 6th grade!. Rhyme and content are solid and flow throughout the poem!. If it is okay, I have one suggestion!. I think you can come up with a more interesting or descriptive word for 'normal' when you are referring to your usual state of being!. I suspect that by the time you are 18 you will be composing some wonderful work!.

Since you love poetry here is a site you might be interested in!. It contains a list of poetic structures with examples and instructions!. These are a great tool for learning and growing as a poet!. My friends and I use them all the time and challenge each other with poetic forms regularly!. Some are easy and some more challenging, but I suspect you may enjoy a challenge!.
