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Position:Home>Poetry> Would you prefer to read poetry yourself or have it recited to you?

Question: Would you prefer to read poetry yourself or have it recited to you!?
What are your thoughts on this Australian poet!.

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This type of performance it's been a trend in here as well for the last two decades!.!.!. it's an attempt to bring poetry back in the "city" where it belongs!. First poets ever where "recitators" like this since writing and "paper" used to be a little bit expensive in the ancient times!. Personally, although I don't think poetry has necessary to become a combination of kitsch and aestheticism, I do appreciate these attempts as I'm tired of those Modernist poets in the XXth century who wrote for themselves and a couple of friends who, not even them, could understand what the hell they meant!. I'm tired to see people saying that something must be good poetry and must have high ideas in the background just because they don't get a thing the lyrics say (when in fact so many hermetic poems like that are just ramblings of people who had too much of a drink on a certain night)!. I think poetry to be real poetry must be understood both by the person in the street and by the professor, if they can both feel something while reading it, then the text has reached its goal!.

This poet was a bit too much for my English this morning, I just woke up 10 mins ago, he speaks too fast, but what I understood made me laugh!. Thanks for the vid!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was a unique experience!. Poetry is drama and was read before it was written!. However, I would like to do both, first read the poem and then hear it read by the poet!. Especially when the poet is Australian; it is difficult for Americans to follow the Australian accent and without reading the poem, some of it is missed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love watching a poet recite their own poetry - but I would also like to read a copy!. Having a copy of the poem - at the recitation - would really be a pleasure!. The poet gives their interpretation and emphasizes the points that are important!. This information can clarify, change or alter - the perception received - from reading the original work!. ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The example you provide proves my point perfectly: The written word allows you to go over specific passages, see things you might have missed in a recitation, appreciate subtleties overlooked during a quick staccato recitation!.!.!.and yet, you never really get the "sound" of how the poet intended the poem to be heard, unless you hear the poet recite it, or hear the person who the poet intended to recite it, recite it!. There are nuances that simply cannot be expressed in writing, an expression, a pause, an accent or stress of syllable or word, that changes a phrase or puts it into a different context!.!.!.snide or satirical remarks may be "inferred", but when "heard", you know them right away!. So, if I had my preference, I'd hear the poem, then return to the written copy for reference and deeper contemplation!.

I think the poet and his poem were brilliant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would much rather read it because my poems are funny and whenever i read them out people laugh their **** off and it gives me the satisfaction to know that DAMN IM GOOD! where as if someone reads it to me its nice and all but their skills can never match up to mine! lol :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.I can tell he is amazing but the sound on the video really sucked!.!.!.it was echo-y and very hard to tell what he was saying!.!.!.I love to read and have it read to me!.!.!.but if someone who reads a poem to me is mono-toned or expressionless in their speech, then it's best they "mime" it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey man!.!. that was cool!.!. curiouser just got on and aswered my question!.!. lol!.!. says hi to you!.I like to do both!.!. that was a coool clip!.!.I watched all of it !.!.lol!.!.x !. love ya !.!. come on down if ya not doin nothin xxWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'd rather read it myself usually because it is a personal thing!. But some poems are so lyrical that they just deserve to be read aloud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like to read it to myself!.!.
lol sorry
the poet seems very talented with his words
they flow together so well!.
please answer my question (in the poetry section)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I normally like to read it myself, but I enjoyed Tug's performance!.!.!.!.he's very good!. Thanks for sharing Regwah:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked him!. i would rather read poetryWww@QuestionHome@Com