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Position:Home>Poetry> Can you earn a living by poetry?

Question: Can you earn a living by poetry!?
Midnight and my car park clear
the only sound one can hear
The supermarket shutters clutter down
and silence reigns and rain
soaks the sleeping town
but on my oily stretch of asphalt black
where white line boxes back to back
puddles shine and rainbows wander
revealing the petrol leak of that bloody Honda
A lightning flash and then some thunder
Is it really God, I wonder
re-arranging His furniture high up yonder
or is that just a myth!?
Someone taking the pyth!?
Right, I'm off
It's back to the flat, I've a take-away snack
which the manager gave, save
chucking it mate!. It's out of date
but just might, be all right, if you eat it tonight
A look at the
packet, it's jacket
potato with tuna flake bakeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sure you can!.!. Maya Angelou did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I think so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I should answer with a poem

Engineers' Corner
by Wendy Cope

Why isn't there an Engineers' Corner in Westminster Abbey!? In Britain we've always made more fuss of a ballad than a blueprint !.!.!. How many schoolchildren dream of becoming great engineers!?
-- advertisement placed in The Times by the Engineering Council

We make more fuss of ballads than of blueprints --
That's why so many poets end up rich,
While engineers scrape by in cheerless garrets!.
Who needs a bridge or dam!? Who needs a ditch!?
Whereas the person who can write a sonnet
Has got it made!. It's always been the way,
For everybody knows that we need poems
And everybody reads them every day!.
Yes, life is hard if you choose engineering --
You're sure to need another job as well;
You'll have to plan your projects in the evenings
Instead of going out!. It must be hell!.
While well-heeled poets ride around in Daimlers,
You'll burn the midnight oil to earn a crust,
With no hope of a statue in the Abbey,
With no hope, even, of a modest bust!.
No wonder small boys dream of writing couplets
And spurn the bike, the lorry and the train!.
There's far too much encouragement for poets --
That's why this country's going down the drain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com