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Position:Home>Poetry> dislike? needs work?

Question: Uhhh!.!.like!? dislike!? needs work!?
For this I hope you die,
so slowly, so painfully
I hope the knife pierces you,
but not enough for you to be killed fast
No, just enough that you suffer!.
And as you go down, I'll watch you
I'll watch the light leave your eyes,
your limbs grow limp
and your body crash to the ground!.
But I ill not help you
I will not call for an ambulance
I will make sure this death is final
And for the first time in years I'll smile without regret,
and walk away, whistling,
knowing I eliminated something that made this world all the less enjoyable!.
You are dead!.
And with all honesty!?
I don't regret it!.
I'd do it again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Um, you probably shouldn't show this to anyone you know!. You'd probably get in trouble for death threatening!. Try not to hate people, but rather to ignore them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow thats the best poem! i love dark poems!. its sad and the pain that guy is going through i can feel that pain as i was reading it!. i love it! i really do! thats like the best poem that i've read all month!.(my other friends write sad emo love poems and i write too) i answer alot of !?'s by ppl on yahoo answers so keep on makeing poems ur great at it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

um, did i interpret this poem right, your mad at someone!? seriously though, it would be helpful to know what this person did to deserve this kind of wrath!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly!?, dislike, sorry, waaay too dark for me!. try for better rhythm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com