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Position:Home>Poetry> A prose writer tries poetry again. The Smile.?

Question: A prose writer tries poetry again!. The Smile!.!?
The Smile

By Warren E!. Domke

It was just a momentary thing!.
Someone I cared about smiled at me!.
She needed a smile and I gave her one of mine!.

All we can ever be to each other
We are now!.
We can never be more!.

But we can go on caring and smiling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is the perfect snapshot of a moment in time -- your visuals are excellent!.

Plus, my friend, you are stepping far out of prose and have entered the mystical, magical world of poetry -- and do so quite well!.

You wrote a universal poem -- one that is a moment we all know, but you caught it in your words to linger in our minds!.

Well done!.!.!. this goes with your previous poem about which turn to make and what the differences would be -- only here you have been specific about a certain event!.

I'm proud to know you!.

There is a brief, significant interlude captured by these words that is poignant, lovely!. It is all the more meaningful because it is written from the heart about real people!. And that truth is it's impact!. There is a hint of melancholy underlying the lines that adds depth!. I truly appreciate that!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have many such lady friends!. I want to secretly fondle them!.!.!.but, I keep my hands to myself!.!.!.

I also think you should check with the billeting office!. Your job code 11247PW (Prose Writer) should be changed to 11247P (Poet)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That sounds like a sad poem!. A love that cannot be (did I get it right!?) But nevertheless a courageous acceptance!.

Well, let me say that this is something i have passed through too, so it speaks to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's lovely!. I wrote an essay once about how mysterious a smile is!. How it can be sad or happy, faked or not!. How much more it is than the simple up-turning of the lips!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like two strangers in a hallway in a hospital!. Smiles are exchanged!. Understanding and sympathy given in an instant!. Then they part - to each their separate tribulations!. ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Better! You created images! A smile given!.!.!.and shared by giving one back!.!.!.and connected!. I knew you had it in you :)

!.!.!.keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

The gift of a smile!. You have expressed it very well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com