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Position:Home>Poetry> How would a Condemned man gain redemption from a Vampire?

Question: How would a Condemned man gain redemption from a Vampire!?

Lanett, willing to sacrifice
SteppedBold up to the HelsingMan
reaching out a hand of white
not burnt as the VampireClan
GentleTear caressed her cheek
as she stared into his gaze
and lips would tremble just to speak
Not a word of rage was raised
“I’m sorry for you lost LovedOnes
They should not have been striped from you
I will do all I can
to help you regain soul anew…”
His face was stern and cold to read
Eyes unmoved on OuterPart
but for his daughter he’d soon grieve
a BitterCold bite of the heart

How could he stay his course
when his choice brought him to the brink!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really love and enjoy these peems with the vampires as they are so romantic' so heartrending' and just so exotic ' and you write with your heart and soul' so well and it shows!.You get better every time i read your work' and we will be waiting to see what the next adventure' or love' comes next time!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is poignantly profound!. I was greatly moved by your beautiful words!. Lanett is a willing sacrifice out of compassion for her pursuer!.!.!. that touches my heart deeply!. It remains a mystery what will happen next, what will Helsing decide to do!? Whatever happens next, this has been a wonderful journey so far and will make a marvelous book when you write it!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com