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Position:Home>Poetry> So, do you like my sonnet?

Question: So, do you like my sonnet!?
Spring leaves do walk after winter days!.
Snow melts like heavy storm gone!.
Happiness comes in strange ways!.
Creatures enter: kits, chicks, and fawns!.

Hot eras emerge after flower times!.
Grass still green, but slowly dies!.
The wind still flows, the breeze still chimes!.
And quietly nature cries!.

The sun slowly wanes, the leaves a curtain of fire,
Although warm weather lives on!.
The creatures are in times of dire,
Because the year’s at its dawn!.

The time has come again, since it will never last!.
But surely better times will come, as it has done in the past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a good poem, filled with imagery!. It is not a sonnet, but I would not change it!. Sonnets have definite form and meter!. Although there are several different types of sonnets (Shakespearean, Petrarchian, etc!.), all sonnets must follow specific rules!. You show talent here and I would not force this poem into any specific structured form!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, this is a very nice poem, but it's not a sonnet!.
Sonnets are classified by their feet, meter, and rhyme scheme!. Unfortunately it neither follows the correct syllable count nor meter!. However, the rhyme scheme is right on!.
Just a bit more work and you should have a sonnet!.

"A sonnet is a poem with fourteen lines and a strict rhyme scheme, written in iambic pentameter (ten syllables per line, stress pattern of unstressed, stressed)!. There are many types of sonnets, each with its own rhyme scheme, but whichever rhyme scheme is chosen, it must be carefully followed!."
This site should help you:

You're not far from having a sonnet so I would suggest that you continue to work on it and repost!. I'm all about structured poetry so I would love to see it completed!.

Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I like it very much!.!.!.!.quite evocative!.
And it's wonderful that you know how to spell correctly!. So much of what I read in Answers is an illiterate mess!. I encourage you to continue writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is amazing!
I absolutely love this-
great work!.
Love the last two lines!.
Amazing job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's very good!. If you gave it a number I would swear it was Shakespeare!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was great! good imagery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you very much so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com