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Question: Poem, rate!?
So I wrote this a while back, and yeah
oh and you might have seen this!? because i had recently delt with poem stealers!.!.!.
so im kinda stop sharing my poems for a while, but now i really dont care anymore ;-;
so yeah

blow your f****ken head off

Slowly your words are losing meaning

yet faster then blood escapes from your wrist

Mystery marks become lies

they pile and pile

until they get too big, to smoke it up

So try

Pick the best of the worst

Roll it up


Light it up

You lost all hope you could gain

Nobody wants you

Nobody loves you

So take the gun

Hold it up correctly don't be a coward

And blow you're f****en head off

Atleast then, everyone will have more air!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The people above me are bums!.
i appreciate and consider it great!.
stupid bums!. slam 'em!. slap 'em all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dont' worry about the other comments!. I think its really great!.

I like writing poems too and depressign things but mine always get reported as chatting!. =l

I just right sad things to let how i'm feeling!. But your poem was great!. Sad you're not sharing anymore though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kind of a downer of a poem!. I would prefer thinking of flowers and puppies, not of people offing themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your innocent photo belies the pain within!. Unfortunately there is more to most of us than meets the eyes!. My prayers are with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow you need to be put in a mental hospitalWww@QuestionHome@Com

its dark but goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

56 out of 100!. But, it can be improved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What about if I were to give you a poem!?

Summer Poem:
Summer will be here in the month of June
which will be pretty soon!.
it is also the longest day of the year
and that will also be here
The weather can be unpredictable
as well as incredible
Regardless if its hot
or it is not
One should drink lots of water
especially if the weather is hotter
At any season
replacing fluids is always the reason
A person can go for hikes
or ride the bike

Cheer Up
Why are you down
its affecting people all around
I will say
anyone can have a bad day
afew days ago
I had know bad moods often show
Have a friend, join you for a walk
and have a good talk
Without a doubt
you will be glad to have gotten it outWww@QuestionHome@Com