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Position:Home>Poetry> Please help!!!!!! omg i have no time?

Question: Please help!!!!!! omg i have no time!?
i need an inspiring poem about soccer captain for a banquet tonight!. doesnt have to be long, please help me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You haven't given us much to work with!.!.!.but try this:

To Our Captain

We see a field
You see potential maneuvers
We see opponents
You see obstacles we can avoid
We see how far we've run
You see how much farther we need to run
We see defeat
You see lessons learned
We feel tired
You feel determined
We see a distant goal
You see a victory at hand
That's why you are our captain
And we're yours to command

hope this works for youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Add some details about the individual, will you!?
It will be much more personal that way!. I'll check back!.

(You know, the person's personality, odd habits, funny stories, etc!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com