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Position:Home>Poetry> Heart wrenching poem/story?

Question: Heart wrenching poem/story!?
the concept of this story is kind of well known, but as far as i know its never been writin in poem form, so i decided to give it a go, heres my version!.

a telephone rings
"mom and dad, ive come home from war"
what joy it brings to finally hear
from the son they adore

"but, my dear parents
i must ask a great favor
i've this friend i'd like to bring
a war hero, a life saver"

"sure, bring him with you
We'd both love to meet him"
"Dad you dont understand
a land mine took two of his limbs"

"I'm sorry to hear that son
we'll help find him some place to live"
"I want him to live with us dad
think of what he had to give"

"it would be a great burden
to deal with such a handicap
a great deal of money
and its money we lack"

there was a short pause
and then the line went dead
his parents had spoken
and quite enough had been saidWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow, that is just!.!.!.excellent!. I love it! You did an awesome job!. It was very heart wrenching!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like how the poem is written, it reads nicely but I dont like the poem!. !. !.let me tall ya, the dude isnt gonna find any rest after a stunt like that, the after life is waiting with judgement(lol sorry, I didnt mean to read to much in to your poem=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very good!.
Rhyme (pretty corny ones admitttedly!)
and a real powerful story!.

Guess I need to figure when the asset /liability equation sort of tips over and think where I can find myself a ledge if I keep deteriorating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is sad :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok but what was the questionWww@QuestionHome@Com