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Question: Poetry and law!?
what are the laws regarding the use of poetry - is it copyrighted/patented/intellictual property,
if i wanted to write a famous poem on a product or premises would doing so breach copyright!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes they have a copyright and it would be plagarism if you copied it and called it your own and you undoubtedly would be sued!. However, i don't think thats what your asking exactly!. I gather you have a poem in mind and would either like to paint it on a building or put it on a product!. I can't see why you wouldn't be able to paint it on a building as long as you reference it correctly at the bottom, so who ever reads it also reads who wrote it, i believe it would only be an offence if you didn't give credit to the rightful author!. I know they have done it with song lyrics, (and a lot of songs start out as poems) they just paint underneath who wrote it and sang it and year!. Putting it on a product for mass manufacture would be different!. You would need to apply for the right to distribute your product with this poem on it!. Whoever now owns the rights to the poem you want, has the right to decide on when and if its used on aproduct!. for example, if you want someone else's poem to sell dog food or condoms etc, I don't like your chances!. But every city should have an office where you can apply for copyrights etc, try them and they should be able to give you correct details!. As I'm in Australia i can't really give you directions for you, but it would be a government department i would belive to register patents etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's copyrighted!.
and you writing a famous poem just can't be done!. you'd have to be a published poet through regular publishing channels -- not the Internet -- and getting published is a crap shoot!. Not to mention poetry isn't a very popular sell!.

If you mean could you STEAL a famous poem [plagiarism] and use it as your own, you would get sued BIG TIME, even if the person who wrote it is dead!.

Yes, it would breach copyright law !. The person wouldn't even have to be alive anymore!. Like Elvis Presley, or John Lennon!. Their ESTATES own anything to do with them, whether written or not!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Copyright used to last for 50 years then 70 years from the deah of the original copyright holder!.
This is normally applicable to music rather than poetry!.
Write your own Poetry and if its as bad as mine no one will think of copying it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com