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Position:Home>Poetry> Fragile beauty is?

Question: Fragile beauty is!?

She calls out…
see me, admire!.
I am beauty,
beauty fleeting!.
But be not sad
for my passing,
my sisters come!.

Our vine…
eternally blessed,
for we carry…

To love one of us
is to love us all…
So hold this
fragile beauty,
but know…
its strength!.

The renewal…
is the universe…
The gift…
proffered from
my sister…
the petal’d rose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You've written a truism!. One that we often forget!. Beauty is now, beauty is the future!. Therefore, beauty is not fragile!. It is strong and perpetual!. Well done!. I enjoyed this poem very much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do believe my answer follows the same lines as Elaine's!. Physical beauty is transient, but still beautiful and not to be disregarded!. But it is the beauty of soul and spirit that enchants and drives you to wildness for love!. It is also the more fragile beauty, though no one notices it wilt, for the smile is still strong and the voice still cheery!.!.!.were we to look deeper, what precisely would we see!.!.!.and would we want to see it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You made me think of so many things!.!.!. my mother is fast approaching her 80th year!.!.!. and I feel like I'm watching her fade; but her essence is strong, she is full of life!.

I will bask in her fragile beauty now!.!.!.!.

Thank you, this was beautiful!.


Yes, all physical beauty is fragile!. Spiritual beauty never dies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How enchanting, carrys me away to many places of warmth,
regardless of------- Bravo!Www@QuestionHome@Com