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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of my p-o-e-m? =P?

Question: What do you think of my p-o-e-m!? =P!?
Darkness, soft darkness be my pillow,
coolness of night be my blanket!.

Mighty stars that fill the sky be my dreams,
silence be my voice and my speech!.

Winds of change be my knowledge,
days that come be my sight!.

Oh, overflowing future be my song,
soft rain that showers down be my
destiny lighter then snow,

Oh sweet song of days be my tomorrow coming,
fading sunlight be my forgotten yesterday never to be found!.

Cloudless sky be my memory covered over,
stillness be my now, forever in place!.

What do you think of my poem!?
I wrote it a while ago and meant to put it on Y! But I forgot about it!. !. !.so
now what do you think of it!? Does it have a meaning to you or is it 'yawn yawn! Lame”!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sounds like an Irish Lullaby!. And I really like that kind of poetry!. Good job!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This poem was very eloquent and remained placid through out its entirety!. I also thought this poem was feminine, and rather lacked masculinity!.

Change, then, (line 9) to than!.
also, your punctuation is horrible!.
I think you need to place a period, in most of the places you put a comma!.
I give this poem a 7!.9/10
It was casual, and light!. Not the best, but interesting to read the first time over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com