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Position:Home>Poetry> Thunder Storm Poem! Not the best but its all right=)?

Question: Thunder Storm Poem! Not the best but its all right=)!?

The clouds first are white but turn gray,
she, sitting there waiting for the on coming rain!.

The clouds gray turn even darker and the wind picks up speed,
She still sits there waiting for the weather to turn!.

The darker clouds turn black and lightning flashes,
thunder rumbles deep with in the darkness waiting to lash out
in the oncoming rain!.

She sits waiting for the storm to swallow her,
to make her anew,
to take the anger she feel and hold it in its darkness!.

The first clap of thunder shakes the earth,
the bright flashes of light become blinding
but still there she sit waiting for the storm
to take her away!.

Waiting for the storm
to take the rage thats growing in side her,
waiting for the thunder to take her screams,
the lightning to take her pain,
the rain to wash the hate away!.

Just waiting for the storm to make her new!. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As I write to most poets on yahoo, you don't have to post your poem to get something from it!. Every time you write something you grow as a poet!.
This poem, is just a description of a thunder storm and it's relation a girl's emotions!. This poem was bland to me!. I don't even think it's a poem, more like a prose!.
The setting was kind awkward!. I didn't know why the girl was sitting out side, I didn't know where the girl was sitting outside!.
I give this one a 4!.2/10
These points were awarded because you used some amazing similes, and put forth genuine effort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com