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Question: My Love; Sestina Poem, do you like it!?
What can I compare to your love!?
As i wait, passion consumes me
Your image is in every dream
Our hearts beat the same time
No matter where you lay your head
Your breath, will still be mine

I speak to your heart, as if it was mine
I have waged war this night on love
On your breasts I shall lay my head
And let the world forget me
Let us melt together in time
And share our dream

The fantasy of this new dream
Which I have claimed as mine
I shall learn to share with you, given time
But for now, I am so much in love
Think it not selfish of me
It is your name that swims around my head

And in my head
I have learned that my best dream
Will feature you and me
The question remains, will you be mine!?
That I may share this love
That I have held for you, all this time

For if we agree, then even time
Will have to wait, while off we head
For distant realms of love
That we have captured in our dream
But all depends if you’ll be mine
And give yourself to me

Think of me
As one caught in time
Waiting for when, you will be mine
Knowing that in my head
You may remain a dream
And that I, may never share your love

Consider then my love the time
And me, who has filled my head with you
Let me not dream, be mineWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You write well! Lovely poem, well named!. Thanks for this poem, other poems, and the lesson you either bought back to memory or taught us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the things that all great writers have is the ability to draw the audience in and make them feel what it is that is being conveyed!. I don't necessarily think that is something one can learn in a classroom, but it is a gift from God!.

You have that gift!.


it's really lovely love poem!.!.!.i like it man!.!.!.way of your writting is really as my poem!. all the line match with each other!.!.
and valuable words for her!.!.!.!.it's really cool poem!.!.!.
keep writting !.!.such like this one!.!.!.!.//

loved the lines

No matter where you lay your head
Your breath, will still be mine

loved it!.!.till now ive read such poems only by famous poetsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Very nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, sounds kind of complicated to write, but you did a good job, i love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com