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Position:Home>Poetry> Iambic pentameter Acrostic Sestina; Nebuchadnezzar; do you like it?

Question: Iambic pentameter Acrostic Sestina; Nebuchadnezzar; do you like it!?
Under the mighty oak I slept at night
No covering shall I get from the rain
So I lie awaiting the morning dew
Enquiring, oh Lord is this from you
Each day I wake I pray I wish I knew
Not knowing what it is I suffer for

Maybe its from what I have done before
Escaped from death only to face my night
Longing for a life I could start a new
Overlooking the view; I once did reign
Distant now, are the dreams I have of you
Young back that’s covered with the morning dew

Reminded of all sins, those now are due
Each one in full, I would have to pay for
Which is why I wait now to hear from you
Against the fear that has become my knight
Return me to the place that I did reign
Do not let my pride change the life I knew

Because this lesson has made me brand new
Overcoming the bill that was now due
Life lesson in the face of the cold rain
Determined i claim what I had before
Let heaven be witness before the night
Young heart I am, but I do so love you

My will and purpose now is to serve you
I king Nebuchadnezzar have been made new
Given a fresh new start, this very night
Have now paid all that was for me, that’s due
Take care, and mind what has gone on before
You too, for pride, this time may face the rain

Did I not hold the whole earth in my reign!?
Remember, this for me; then what for you!?
Everyone must decide, what there here for
Amongst all that the world will say is new
Money, the god, which now demands his due
Speaks to the heart, so that it fears the night

What will the night have in store now for you!?
How will the rain now make your life re-new!?
Only you know what’s due, what you’ve paid for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This one is epic! The best of all the acrostics so far!. It is as mysterious as the equidistant codes in the ancient Hebrew texts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How do you do it!? I am totally in awe of this poem!. This one is not only written perfectly and eloquently, but the story is such an intensely moving one!. Simply beautiful!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was good here is more information about the poems inspiration!. Great read!.


I am speechless!.!.!.!.!.!.this is the best poem I have read in many, many years!.

Amazingly deep and lovely!!!

(In this sentence : Everyone must decide, what there here for!.!.!.!.!.!.!.spelling of there/their!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is so timely!. I believe we are about to be inundated with Egyptian-style poetry from one who was trapped in his little corner of the world due to violent storms!. You have become a master at this form!. It is probably the best one posted so far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com