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Question: Do You Like This Poem [original]!?
Original Poem - By Alec S!.

Just One Wish

As I Lay here in the Light,
I make my final wish tonight,
To be with her, To look at her,
Throughout the night, To sit by her!.

As I lay here, on the sand,
The waves come rushing in,
The beach is clear, The sky is dark,
All I want is one wish tonight,
To hold her hand, To touch her hair,
Throughout the night, To Kiss her!.

As I lay here, by the tree,
The wind is blowin against my skin,
The moon is full, The stars are bright,
All I want is one wish tonight,
To sit by her, To smile with her,
Throughout the night, To love her!.

As I lay here, All Alone,
The memories are rushing through,
The sun is out of sight, The moon will shine my night,
All I want is one wish Tonight!.
To be with her once more, I know she was brave,
To have her back - From that rusty, old Grave!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Although sad, I find your peace sort of "inspiring"!.
Ya know!? It makes me wanna write great poetry
like yours! Even though your young, I wish you to continue writing because from this piece it tells me that you
are VERY good!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is okay!.
For me, it needs more work on meter and flow!.

When I look at a piece titled "Just One Wish", that is what I expect the piece to speak about!. One wish!. Your one wish is multiple wishes!.
Your one wish could be that of your possible re-connecting and then you can use your wonderful expressions!.

Keep working and writing, you have a nice beginning!.

It was really good considering you're 14, but my advise is to stay away from love poems as much as you can!. Not because they're not ever good, but because the theme is so overused!. Same goes with depression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ah that is SO cute!.its sad at the end but its AWESOME and i write poetry too!. yo can really feel that it came from down deep inside of you!. its like REALLLLLLLLLLLLY cute too!. good job! :))Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was really really awesome
i really liked the ending it was sad and very poetic
beautiful poetryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes Mine are original lol duh!.

And your poem is good the end is a little odd seems a bit out of place but overall i really liked it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really liked it!. So sad though, I thought that it was about a break up at first, but wow!. You have talent!. Keep writing :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

makes me think of sexual intercourse with a horseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Really Good! I like the rhyming schemeWww@QuestionHome@Com

SO POETICWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow VERY NICE!! i feel like hugging someone now!.!.!. that was incredible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com