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Position:Home>Poetry> How to fix this poem?

Question: How to fix this poem!?
i know its corny but is there a way to make it un-corny!? (esspeically the violin part but i couldnt think of anything else)i need a title and stuf!. its for a poetry book im writing for school and i need to make it a closing poem!. thanks! (p!.s!. the thesauris IS my best friend for those of you who tell me to use it lol)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could call the poem-----Started to say the gift, but after reading it you say the word too many times---maybe you could change that word and replace it with something else---Good Luck !!

Yes I had to read it a couple of more times and it does fit-----The Gift
Glad I could help out---Good luck!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com