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Position:Home>Poetry> I am thinking of writing a poem...?

Question: I am thinking of writing a poem!.!.!.!?
I want it to be about a stranded polar bear on an iceburg!. Any ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I was stranded on an iceberg,
i had no where to go,
I was stranded on an iceberg,
full of frozen snow!.

I did not know what to do,
i had no where to go,
i couldnt call for anyone,
because my voice would have been to low!.

So im sitting on an iceberg,
with no where too go,
but ill sit here till it melts,
then im free to go!.

hows that!? It just came to me while i was typing!.!.!. i hope u like it!.

xoxo mariah xoxoWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is an interesting idea -- but since polar bears swim, you would need to make the description of the ice berg very detailed (showing there was no way down) for reality!.!.!.!. for fantasy, however you want to write this, I would suggest a lot of colors in fantasy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you have the ideal already!.!.!.just write!. poetry comes in many forms and styles and you should try a few and see which fits you!. don't give up if it's bad!.!.!.every one is bad at first; trust me!.

good luck and get to writing!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com