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Position:Home>Poetry> A small poem "The Moon"?

Question: A small poem "The Moon"!?
Its a few weeks old but do you like!?

Luminous moon
Enlighten the night
Twinkling stars
Glowing with light
Behind is the sun
Keeping it bright
Shining in darkness
It blazes alight!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like the intermittent rhyming scheme!. I like the words used!.
For me, it has this childishly cute feel to it!. It's like one of those catchy rhymes that parents would tell their kids at a campfire and would get passed on!. It's simplistic but that only helps its image and might have even been deliberate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVE IT!!!! It's so cute! especially since it's short nd you didn't try to force extra in!. I Love it! great job and props to you :)Www@QuestionHome@Com
