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Question: Help find good poem (10 points best !! )!?
ok i need a poem im going to send to my firends that are going to high school

i need a poem about

-firends leaving for another school
-im never going to see them again
-im going to miss them

please help me find one im searching for some but they are not good enoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
some of my collections bout friendship,i don't know whether they're poems or something else,but they sound good to me!.!.here you go!.!.
(tell them how much you appreciate them)

A Nice friendship is a gift from the GOD,
it is one of Life's best blessing,
a priceless gift that can never be bought,sold
or forgotten just LIKE YOU,

(tell them its hard to forget them)

Some people move your heart,
others may scratch it,
some will break it,
or even smash it,
but you didt know that you have carved my heart with your true friendship,

(tell them not 2 forget you)

Frienship is a sea,
Friens are fishes,
you are my lovely golden fish,
I will keep you safe,
If you try to go away from me,
I will fry you!.!.(ok,i noe this 1 is rather funny than sad)Www@QuestionHome@Com

go on www!.poems-and-quotes!.com it has poems on every subject!Www@QuestionHome@Com