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Question: Help on poem!?
A Damed Society

Is society damed
all across this land by the hands of man
as poverty and crime shine from the front page
of every paper and every television set
i sit and wonder
what will be left for our children or their children
will they have to fight for their food
or be the next victim on tv
why cant people see
that human life is precious indeed
for all to love one another
wouldn't that be grand
close your eyes and imagine
no more gangs in the streets
everyone has enough to eat
no more wars to be won or lost
sounds like a place for the
human race
I'm not a man of faith
but it sounds like a place
a god would create
maybe in the end we all will find this

Can you please tell me your opinion and the authors point of view and the theme : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Theme: Creating utopia; recognizing the degradation in society; hoping for a way to change that which has occurred, but knowing one single person cannot -- whereas God could!.

My opinion: It is a well written, power poem, and it speaks so much to all of the things I have been saying!.

Author's POV: A parent, aware of all of the senselessness of gangs killing each other and the stray bullet that tears apart innocent lives!. A man looking for better, proclaiming he is not a man of faith, but having faith that God could create a utopia!.

POV=point of view

O M G that was the best poem ive heard in like 3 years!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com