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Position:Home>Poetry> Do u have a bragging poem????

Question: Do u have a bragging poem!?!?!?!?
if yes what is it!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, but I wrote a stupid little song when I was bored about those vain girls that hang out at the mall that could be considered bragging on their part!. =):
I'm a mall chick, I'm better than you
I'm a mall chick, I'm better than you
I'm a mall chick!.!.!.!.I'm better than you!

And you may think that I am shallow,
you may think that I am dumb!.
But the truth is, I have more money than you do,
and that makes me better than you!

Silly, I know!. If I ever become a rich mall chick, that will be my bragging song!. ( I even made up a melody and my dad made up a guitar part to go with it!.) =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Notorious from head ta toe,
Naughty as hell but I AINT no ho!.
YoOh aint worth maii time and cant take maii place,
so iif u got sumthiin ta say, bytch! say iit ta maii face!.
I play maii game like monopoly
I dare ANY bytch to land on my property!.
Bytchy!? Yeah!.!.!.ii miight be sliightly!.!.!.
cuz ii dont know how to say FCUK YOOH politely!.
Bytch did ii just hear u talkiin!?
Yeah, dats right!.!.!.keep fcUkiin walkiin!.
Fo all dem hoez tryiin ta take maii spot,
I got 3 words Fo YOoH!.!.!. I THINK NOT
When bytches bring shiet, iim far from da calmest!.!.!.
I aint gonna slap YOOH, Ima fcUk YooH up *dats a promise*
Calliing me a bytch!? I know!.!.!.ii know!.!.
but iin da wordz of Ludacris, UZ A HOE
Ima true gangsta QUEEN holdiin shiett down!.
Thiink you can take maii crown and wear iit proud!? Just cuz ii fliirt dont mean im a hoe!.
unlike YooH ii knoW how ta say no!
TO all da girlz starin iin maii direction:
damn right ******, envy diis perfection!
Damn right Im fine, sexy, I got hella LOTs Of money
Meh, jealous of u!? haha, ur funny!
To all da hatErz: do what YOOH do!.
I aiint got no moRe time Ta waste on YOoHWww@QuestionHome@Com

Its not my fault im everything your not!.
Its not my fault i have everything you want!.
Im better that you!.
Talk to the hand, because im not interested!.
Just walk away in shame, because im not ashamed!.

lol!.!.!.!. just wrote that right now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm so great and you are not
If you don't like me then your on pot
I am better than you yes i am
And if you can't deal with that i don't give a damnWww@QuestionHome@Com