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Position:Home>Poetry> "What Was,Is" What do you think of this, comments please?

Question: "What Was,Is" What do you think of this, comments please!?
My mind rages
war on silence
my heart hears
every sound!.

rush in, blowing
away today
I shift through anicent ashes,

hit the window pane, weep rolling down,
Thunder rolls, booms shaking earth
lighting's flash, cracks the sky!.

are no longer projected
to share with you,
Who would care but I

Yet I know
the sun shall rise, shall set!.
No matter who may be
aware, of our yesterday!.

On each tomorrow
the sun shall rise, shall set!.
As did all our yesterdays
blend tomorrows!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To pen your word "kudos"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Magnificent imagery!. The emotion and the message come through clearly to the reader!. The world goes on, with or without us or those we love, with or without our memories!. Once we accept this, we can accept life as it now is!. The Muse is visiting so many poets today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The imagery in this poem is perfect! My favorite stanza is the last stanza!. There are so many good poems being posted today!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!.!.!.****Www@QuestionHome@Com