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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you guys think of my new song?!?

Question: What do you guys think of my new song!?!!?
I wrote this because!.!.!.I can haha!.

V1 -Can you believe,
We're spinning in circles again,
Do you see,
The light side of what we are,
And where we used to be,

C- Cause maybe I can't dance,
Maybe I can't fly,
But isn't who I am enough,
I know I've done some wrong,
I beg you to forgive,
How alone I've made you feel
Inside your head,

V2- I didn't that it could get much worse,
But I know that you still love me,
And I know that it still hurts,
Cause how you feel is my heart,
Times ten,
I can't believe I said that,
Or did what I did,
Please don't leave me,

C- Cause maybe I can't dance,
Maybe I can't fly,
But isn't who I am enough,
I know I've done some wrong,
I beg you to forgive,
How alone I've made you feel
Inside your head,

B- And I know,
You may hate me forever,
But i want to take the chance,
I want to hold your hands,
Again, again,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think its good sweetie!. fc-uk the haters honestly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow this is so bad it has left me speechless!. id probably choose a different hobby cuz this is the gayest sh** i have ever read!. The structure is way off!. How the hell will you write music to this!? and everyone gets heartbroken!. I dont want to hear your bull all the time!. Get over it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's nice poemWww@QuestionHome@Com