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Position:Home>Poetry> My Sestina, Trust in Me; Care to comment?

Question: My Sestina, Trust in Me; Care to comment!?
There’s shadows were there should be life
Waiting patiently in line for dreams to buy
Pllaying a game of dice, with a human prize
Not willing to sacrifice or take advice
Rejecting everything that dosent serve the I in me
holding on to emotions that are either off or on

Judging success by how much they get turned on
Yet I stubbonly refuse to despair of this life
Praying that somebody will find me
And wont just pass me by
But be willing to take some sane advice
Not just seeing me as some token prize

Believing in me, to share my prize
So place your bet on
Take some of your own advice
Lets join together and teach how to live life
One day you will have to wave the world good bye
But untill then, put some trust in me

Why me!?
Only you can decide if at the end you will gain a prize
Or if you are going to let this opportunity just pass you by
So lets get it on
Live some life
And see if you are capable of taking advice

You may not be one for taking advice
However, before you decide, listen to me
You might not always have the best life
But at the end there is a prize
Something that you can depend on
In a world that is convinced you either sell or buy

You could watch it all just sail on by
Or you can take my advice
Don’t wait for some magic light to turn on
Join with me
And claim me as your prize
Anything else is a wasted life

My life advice would be
To buy some shares in me
I am the prize you can depend onWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm awed by this piece!. As a teacher, I'd love to read it to my students!. There are many key points they need to hear in this poem!. I tip my hat and bow to you Gideon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You did a marvelous job with a very difficult form!. I am so very impressed with your ability!. The message here is wonderful as well, expressed beautifully in the last three lines!. I appreciate both the poem and the advice!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All the components are there, but you need more imagery to communicate your message!. Less telling, more showing!. Thanks for sharing this!. I enjoyed it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Superb sestina!. And I like the message!. Well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is very good! I have never attempted this form, but it looks difficult, yet you make it seem to easy! This is great, good work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seem to me a lot of your poems are about God!. I like them and keep up the good writing!. Always want to encourage a real artisti!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very niceeeeeee!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good Poem!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com