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Position:Home>Poetry> Rate My poem plz?! 1-10. Thnx?

Question: Rate My poem plz!?! 1-10!. Thnx!?
(I didnt write it to be a Love Poem, i lost my Best Friend)

Sometimes I sit back and Find my heart in tears;
memories of your Joyful Laugh, and scent still Linger here;
for wat is one to tell her heart when it hurts and needs your attention;
Because i miss the feeling of your touch, when u cried to me my friend;
so on "Happy Nights" it roams thru my mind, i'd be happier with you;
But I've lost my most Precious Friend, so wat am I to do!?;
though i hear them say, when love is Lost, dont Bow your head in saddness!.!.!.instead Keep your head up and Gaze into Heaven, for that is where your broken heart has been sent for mending;
and Just like every love thats lost, you must learn to let it go; and just as every friend who leaves, you must learn to Slowly grow;
So with every broken heart you get, from the HURT you cannot run;
for GOD takes people out our lives, to be replaced with better ones;
!.:!.With every Broken Heart!.:!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This was my experience too, only it was "love" and friendship!.
This can really relate to me and I bet a lot of other people too!. I absolutely adore the way you write!. I'm a "writer" myself and love checking out other people's poems!. keep it up!

10 out of 10

-Krista Z!.-

Im just not so sure about this peom, I have heard better poems for sure!.!.!. But its ok, poetry is not for everyone!. If you like sandwiches there is a special going down at Subway, $5 footlongs are really good maybe it will inspire you to write a beteer poemWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sorry you lost your friend but a poem has cadence, it rhymes and is a little easier to read!. what you have created is more of a remembrance pledge of sorts!. i could go more into details but i don't want to further criticize such deep & emotional words that you have writ!.-blureyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Just from reading that poem I could tell that your a wonderful writer!.

I'm sorry that you lost a friend and just like you stated in your poem I hope that friend is replaced by a better one=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

rating 10!.!.!.beautiful!.!.!. i wish i could write like this!.!.!. even if this wasn't your experience!.!.!. i'm sure some1 else has experience love like this!.!.!. keep on writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my, I'm sorry for your lost, but that is a great poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com