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Question: Desperate Love, My Sestina, Care to comment!?
A sestina (or sestine or sextain) is a highly structured poem consisting of six six-line stanzas followed by a tercet (called its envoy or tornada), for a total of thirty-nine lines!. The same set of six words ends the lines of each of the six-line stanzas, but in a different order each time

I walked up to your window pane
You put your hand on it
And I did the same
But that look in your eyes
I could see something not right
You said that “I don’t love you no more”

You said that “I don’t love you no more”
My hand still there but my body is in pain
I don’t understand I thought we had everything right
My minds a mess don’t think I can handle it
You need to see with my eyes
To see that we both not feeling the same

Is that it, is it because were not the same!?
That you could say I don’t love you no more!?
Do you really mean no more you and I
I need to write a message on your window pane
Before you say “lets forget it”
I hope you like what I write

“How can I make this right!?”
This love, dosen’t have to stay the same
Why don’t you take some time to think about it!?
Its wired, but I think I love you more
Don’t take your hand away from the window pane
Just take one long look into my eyes

Can you now see, that there’s tears in my eyes!?
For a man to cry do you think its right!?
Can you understand my pain!?
Tell me for you, it’s the same!?
I understand that you need more
If you give me another chance we’ll make it

I’m promising right now we will make it
Take one more look in my eyes
You will see I want you more
For us to part now, it cant be right
In my heart, I feel you want the same
Don’t take your hand away from that window pane

Keep your hand on that pane and look in my eyes
It don’t have to end we can make it right
We are the same we both want moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Meaning!.!.!.!.!.possible 2!.

WOW! For a structure so complicated (to me!.!.!.), you have delivered a beautiful, enigmatic poem in the blush of the pathos of love!.!.!.!.wow!
But, is the other person really there, or is it you talking, wishing to yourself!?
Either way!.!.!.you got my attention to the very last word!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I honestly can't read it and process the words as poetry!.!.I process it as a love letter!. It comes across as either a hint towards a brake-up or divorce or confirming a relationship that needs to be grounded through marriage!.!.It sounds like a personal dilemma!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Once again very good, you are becoming my favorite poet!. At least one of them!. Very complex structure, and what a deep emotional message!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mighty complicated form for an ancient warrior to try to keep up with, but you seem to do it well, good job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont understand what a sestina is but omg!.!.!.that was so good!.!.!.and no its not right for a man to cry!Www@QuestionHome@Com