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Question: Thoughts please, feedback is more than apprieciated can you help!?
True love don’t care

True love don’t care who you are,
You could be a pauper, or a movie star,
It gives its self, it gives love freely,
It was in your grasp, you had it nearly!.

Blessed are the children, for they really see,
No pain within heart, pains not meant to be,
Open up your heart, please take a chance,
For feelings have love, makes the soul want to dance!.

All that I’ve met will have my love forever
I am sincere and true, need no love to tether,
I am thankful, for all the people I meet,
For it’s the battle of mind, that needs to be beat!.

I have great love given to me,
It comes because I am open, you will eventually see,
My friends are special I have spiritual guides,
My feelings within me, I no longer hide!.

No need for ego, to find love I let go!
I told you I loved you, my soul needed you to know,
But its this love within me, wants you to find,
Love within self and not of the mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good poems are from feelings and your feelings on True Love make it good!. Many people feel that they have true love only to find it isn't so!. I call it surface love because they have not looked into their heart and be honest with what they find!. If they would embrace what you have written, then maybe they would understand "true love" better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoyed reading this, it is very good, from the heart!. Thanks for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com