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Position:Home>Poetry> Ok what do you think of this one?

Question: Ok what do you think of this one!?
you know I saw you tonight
who do you think you are!?
I know you better then most
that wasn't even your car

she was younger than me
by at least ten good years
does she know what we had
and how it drowned in tears!?

has she met the kids yet
or does she even know!?
I'll bet she doesn't have a clue yet
I'd like to see how that goes

you're old enough to be her dad,
you make a silly looking pair
your hair spray can't take away
the silver lining of your hair

but you love your new flame
she puts the fire in your step
it'll take a lot of pills you know
to keep up with her "pep"

I'll watch you make your bed
and I'll laugh at you now and then
and then I'll take some time to reflect
on what we'll never have againWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah, like it!. Watch the "then" vs!. "than" (3rd line)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really really liked it ---great --write some more!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

WoW!. I love it!. and don't worry he'll realize what he lost!.
