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Position:Home>Poetry> More Poem critisism Please! And help of course.?

Question: More Poem critisism Please! And help of course!.!?
I need to add some more lines ,any tips!? also does it sound like a rhyme poem or a beaty poem!?

The glaring lights
the heat , the sweat
the steady beat of drums
THe blaring bass
the sound of song
that makes your heart beat long
the turning, the swaying, the dancing around
the music makes you r mind go blank
for all but its sweet sweet sound
it makes you want to live your life as full as it can be
and learn to love, and cry and jump
like a happy(!?)___________Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first 6-7 lines sound like they belong to a beat poem, while the last 4-5 lines sound like a rhyme poem!. But hey, this is your poem, do whatever you want! It's yours, don't let anyone change that!. Peace!Www@QuestionHome@Com

clown, comes to mind which rhymes with sound!. Rhythm seems to stop it's flow in line, 'the music makes your mind go blank!. Sounds very upbeat other than that!. Good beat with enough rhyme to keep it flowing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com