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Position:Home>Poetry> Muliebrity by sujata bhatt...igcse lit exam tom...plz help!!?

Question: Muliebrity by sujata bhatt!.!.!.igcse lit exam tom!.!.!.plz help!!!?
hey can anyone help me understand this poem!! plz plz plz!.!.!.bles-sed!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The poem “muliebrity” by Sujata Bhatt, talks about the power women possess and the character of women, who take pride in what they do, even if it is just picking cow-dung!. The poet speaks of a girl, who is a representation of village women, who does the tedious job of picking cow-dung outside a temple and the girl is described in a very reverential manner!. The title of the poem “muliebrity”, suggests womanhood!. The connotation of the title, status and power of a woman, is reflected in the poem where the author uses the words “greatness” and “power”!. The poet talks about her imperative childhood experiences through her poems, using an optimistic tone, to make it more affective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the poem opens with "I thought so much about the girl", which means that the poet is remembering something she has been through!. The poem talks about a girl whose work is to clean the road by scooping cow-dungs, road-dust, crows wings!. This shows womanhood as the title says so!. Even if the work this girl is doing is not respectful she does it regulary and with pride, the way she walks shows her proudness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com