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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of Twisted?

Question: What do you think of Twisted!?

In the jagged edges
of this so called heart,
a thousand different wedges
is where my pain starts!.
my heart once beat for you
you ripped it half
now, all I feel for you,
is tangled in wrath!.
I gave you all I had
what was left of me,
now I'm lonely and sad
you really got me!.
twisted in your love, I
was yours for the ride
then I got beat up
with your daggers inside;
I was your fool too long
caught up in your spin
but I won't be caught
up twisted againWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe we dont have to worry about rules-rhyme schemes and stuff!.The major concern of art is to deliver a message!.
Your poems will pass beautifully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like it actually!. Nice job

Although I must say that I felt like the part "is tangled in wrath" to "was yours for the ride" felt kind off rythmWww@QuestionHome@Com