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Position:Home>Poetry> Poetry! Please, please help!?

Question: Poetry! Please, please help!!?
What do you think of it!?
What can be improved!?
Does it flow well!?
What do you think it means!?

Motel rooms tell tall tales
Of smells of cheap Lust
Colliding into sounds of
Self-expression hesitation
For fluorescent lights
Shine on adolescent nights
Nervous glances to the alarm clock
Flashes about 12 o'clock
It's midnight's late reminder of
Teenage love
For fluorescent lights
Shine on adolescent nights
For a pessimist, she pretty optimistic
One might say simplistic
As he feels the need to let her go
Teenage angst
On the cold tile floor he cuts deep
Steeper steeper steep
For fluorescent lights
Shine on adolescent nights
Alone he tries to survive
Dragging her between his thighs
To release his pain
On rundown beds- stained
Do not disturb says a sign
Although she feels the need to
Succumbing to his desires
Of barbered wired thoughts, liar
For fluorescent lights
Shine on adolescent nightsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alright I am going to be tough on you because that is what any professor would do!.

Your idea expresses two things in once!. Now sometimes that can work, but the things you are talking about dont mix well!. And sometimes I would get a feeling of a story!. Now how you wrote this is kind of a story but it is only the jist of one!. You are taking parts of the beginning, the middle , and the end, and making them a poem and it can be confusing!.

So, my advice to you would be broaden the story and fill in the missing parts with details!. Good luck!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is verii good, i really like it! just check your grammar and spelling other than that it is pretty much amazing!. The entire thing flows well together and you used an open variety of words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She didn't have the same desire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com