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Position:Home>Poetry> Are you interesting?

Question: Are you interesting!?
A muse from yesterday said something about at least being interesting!.


I resigned myself long ago,
a frank appraisal after all!.
Yes, I will never be… great!.
Do not shed tears for my milieu,
knowing now is far more kind…
than delusions lasting ever more!.
But I arise… new goal in hand
worthy of my many talents,(as such!.)
I will at least be… interesting!
Now that is indeed a noble aim
with all sorts of wondrous roads
Heck… who needed greatness,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am an enigma ;-) that could be construed as interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting!? I have never encountered anybody so inert, and so full of gas,who is as interesting as you!.

Having proffered the obligatory corny joke/cheap shot, I can now say what I really think!. Your work is always at least competently crafted and only very rarely hackneyed!. On rare occasions, you rise to the level of true creative genius!. What I most value in you is your wisdom, decency, and sense of humor!. But you probably know that already!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A person who is "interesting" is reachable, approachable and open for inspection!. They believe in themselves, trust themselves and are - unafraid - of personal contact!. On the other hand - the world of "greatness" is often closed and guarded!. After all - they hold a position just below gods!. Thank you for being interesting - and if interesting enough - greatness can still occur!. ;-) ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have no secrets, I'm an open book,
A second glance, no one ever took!.a look!.
I wear my heart upon my sleeve
If you don't like it, you can up and leave!.
No pretense, no airs, no la-de-da
You don't have to call me Mother, I'm just plain Ma!.
No one ever gave me an award or a dinner
At life, I was never known as a winner!.
But I am who I am,interesting or not
When it comes right down to it, it's all you got!.
To be your own person, it will take you far
What do you expect, I was conceived in the back seat of a car!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My personal interesting rating has plateaued sadly!. I think I peaked too early!. Greatness schmuck! Viva la ordinaire! "Make Mine Millieu" - the T-shirt range will be produced soon!. Compliments with the well phrased poem

"Millieus of ordinary people agree"
"I used to be interesting now I have lost interest, there's the sting"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting, hmmmm!. Isn't it a bad thing to wish "may you live in interesting times!." As far as I'm concerned, you're great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting is far better then Blistering
If not interesting there would be
no continuing to take interest!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have periods of interesting thought!. I write what I like and hope others like it also!. Now interesting is your poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really dig this one Neonman!Www@QuestionHome@Com

gotta fix my specs, first time through I thought the edit said Enimas are interesting!.

Me, naw I'm dull as mudWww@QuestionHome@Com