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Position:Home>Poetry> How can I start off my poem?

Question: How can I start off my poem!?
I have to write about social labels such as preps and goths and yeah, that sorta stuff, butt idk how to start it off!. It hast to relate to my last 2 years at school, I was thinking something like,

Have you found where you belong in the last 2 years at Jefferson !? Are you a prep or____!.!.!.!.

Any help would be aprecciated=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like the starting all you have to do is add to it!. Are you a prep or a goth or maybe a jock!. Then you could explain more social labels and if they are good or bad!. Hope i can help

Have you found where you belong in the last two years at Jefferson!?
Are you a prep or a jock, a geek or a goth!?
We smile and nod and obey the common rules!.
Cheerleaders eat here, and techies stay afterschool!.
It's a really sick game, stuck the same in our really sick minds!.
It doesn't matter who you are!. It's what counts in the inside!.
So, it's time to break the mold!. Wear bright pink, play rock-and-roll!.
We need to redesign this highschool with a brand new generation!. Brand new people, brand new faces, brand new places - on the social status that is!.
Be yourself, and trust in all!. Have fun with life, all in all!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you found where you belong
in the last two years at Jefferson!?
are you a prep or a jock
or just a psycho with a gun

do you feel lost and alone
could you be at home with the jocks
could you dress with the goths
or would you rather style your crocs

Could you study with the geeks
could you excel with their wit
or do you dare to be yourself
or do you just up and quit

maybe!.!.!.hope it helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should start your poem like this!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

Are you a prep!?

Are you a Goth, a jock or any other prelabeled fool

Are you wasting time applying makeup at school

Because you think rebellion is so cool

You all think that you originate

But all you do is imitate

So stick your face in a wooden crate

Because you make me irateWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have you found where you belong in the last two years at Jefferson!? Are you a prep, goth, or jock!? Or do you have your own group!? In Jefferson there are many groups!.!.!.

hope i helped!.!.!.

love maraWww@QuestionHome@Com