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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you call this rhyme scheme?

Question: What do you call this rhyme scheme!?
Four lines in each stanza, lines two and four rhymeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's usually called ABCB, to my knowledge!. Apparently some people call it xaxa, as classmate said!. (I had never seen that description before classmate mentioned it just now, but Google bears him/her out!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If lines 1 and 3 in each stanza don't rhyme but lines 2 and 4 do, the rhyme scheme can be designated xaxa xbxb xcxc, and so on; "x" is often used for non-rhyming lines!.

This pattern, unrhymed lines alternating with rhymed lines in four-line stanzas, is sometimes called a ballad rhyme scheme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you mean 1n3 n 2n4 then its a "abab"Www@QuestionHome@Com