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Question: Rate my Poem and Improve please :]!?
Alrite so in english class my teacher wants me to write about what my life will represent!.

so here is it so far!.

My Verse
-By Me :D

There is a plane that I need to catch,
I do not know where it goes yet,
But I know
That I will follow it!.

It will hopefully bring me somewhere swell
As long as my life does not turn to hell!.
I have worked wonderes in my life
Although I have my ups and downs!.

I am on a paht
And it is far,
Once in a while there might be a bump
But I will continue and not be a chump!.

(yes i know its kinda cheesy)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
about 6/10!. Try to think of meaningful words, instead of ones that rhyme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read some classics about what life represents to other poets!.


Scroll down to "Design", "Nothing Gold Can Stay", and "The Road Not Taken"Www@QuestionHome@Com

good idea!.!.!. but bump chump hell and swell parts!.!.!. kinda suck!

keep working!.!.!. great base!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com