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Position:Home>Poetry> "A Babys To Do List" LOL Care to crit or comment?

Question: "A Babys To Do List" LOL Care to crit or comment!?
(√) Scream and holler
(√) Wake up Mom
(√) Find the n*pple
(√) Grunt real strong
(√) Look away,
(√)Look innocent
(√) {Oh my lands,
(√) what is that stench!}
(√) Get a clean up
(√) find the binki
(√) Try to nap
(√) Hold off on stinkies
(√) Scream and holler
(√) check the time
(√) Demand your bottle here by nine
(√) Start you teething
(√) Drool a lot
(√) Fight the nap time
(√) Form a plot
(√) Giggle, squiggle
(√) Crawl away
(√) Play Peek~A~Boo
(√) Is Moms hair grey!?
(√) Stretch and yawn
(√) Let out a toot
(√) Fall fast asleep
(!.!.!.) with a list to do!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Have you had children with this kind of list before!? I do not see how you could have written this with such insight without it! Unless, of coarse, you remember how it was to be that oh so young age and ready to exact your deviant agenda on the world through stinkies and thrown binkies! I was very glad to escape the darker worlds for this brilliantly amusing look into the infants mind-workings! Thank you for sharing this and I hope to see more soon!.!.!.

P!.S!. Part 14 is out and about and it feels lonely right now!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This one's spot on!Www@QuestionHome@Com

