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Position:Home>Poetry> Poetry: What is a Maiden Porter?

Question: Poetry: What is a Maiden Porter!?
I am paraphrasing a poem and i need to know what this is!. Any help!?

The poem is In the Smoking Car by Richard Wilbur

If you can help me, look at my other questions i have a few others too!.
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OK, I Googled up the poem, but if you want people to answer your question, it's very helpful to paste the text in: otherwise sometimes no one bothers!.

The poem had the line: "Carried by native girls with naked feet"!.

A maiden is a young, unmarried girl!. A porter is someone who carries something!. So the native girls who carry him (in his imagination) are his maiden porters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com