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Question: Question regarding Poetry!.com!?
I had entered a poetry in the site before!.!.a day back i recieved an email from there saying my poetry is certified for semi finalist and today i got a second e mail saying it is selected for bublication in a book called "immortal verses'!.!.!.is it genuine!?!.!.!.should i bother to careWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sadly, it is a hoax!.

I got something similar last year!.
If you search "poetry!.com hoax" in google you will find plenty of information to answer any questions you have!.

hope that helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poetry!.com is a notorious scam!. They flatter you with that "semi finalist" jive so that they can con you into buying a copy of "Immortal Verses" for an absurdly inflated price!. If you fall for that, they have additional scams designed to squeeze even more money out of you!. Have nothing to do with them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com