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Position:Home>Poetry> I Need Help With These Terse Verses (Higgly-Piggly Poems).?

Question: I Need Help With These Terse Verses (Higgly-Piggly Poems)!.!?
It is a two-word poem that rhymes!. One phrase is given as an explanation!. The terse verse is the rhymed synonym for it!.

1!. What do you call a rabbit's seat!?
Terse Verse: a hare's chair

2!.What do you call a wet hobo!?
Terse Verse: a damp tramp

Two Parts: The words in some need to be one syllable!. The words in others need to be two syllables long except a/an!.

One-syllable word answers
1!. a quick explosion!?
2!.a smashed headcover!?
3!. a circular hill!?

Two-syllable word answers
1!. a mean fight!?
2!. a little cat's paw cover!?
3!. a high hill water spray
4!. an insane flowerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) fast blast

2) flat hat

3) round mound

Two syllable answers:

1) cruel duel

2) kitten mitten

3) mountain fountain

4) crazy daisy

By the way, I was the first one to get them all!. Please don't steal them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Fast Blast
2!. Flat Hat (Copying answerer # 2)
3!. Round mound

1!. Cruel Duel (Copying answerer # 2 lol)
2!. Kitten's mitten
3!. Mountain Fountain
4!. Crazy Daisy

Two of them have me stumped!. Let me think a while and I will update if something comes to mind!. I'm not sure about "crazy daisy" but it seems to fit!.

This was a great question!. Thanks for posting it!. It was fun!.
Great job #2!. Those were driving me nuts!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

a fast blast
a flat hat
a round mound

a hateful scuffle
kitten's mittens
a mountain fountain
a crazy daisyWww@QuestionHome@Com