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Question: My poem after edits please comment!?
Could a night if moonless be so lost!?

Should a night’s sky be so full!?
If a star should shoot away out of our years
Would future sights be merely dull!?
As if we would notice them gone!.

A place for a full moons presence to be a treasure
wish such a place was not light-years away,
For a night sky's magic to be mystery and pleasure
the whole world over!.
Could a world if moonless be so lost!?

Tall tales if spoke with much inspiration
Is born creative thoughts, stars so bright
A moon lit sky sprinkles imagination
Hopes of a shooting star wished upon one night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Beautiful, inspirational!.!. Wonderful piece of prose!. Well done :)Www@QuestionHome@Com