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Position:Home>Poetry> Here's a piece ive written about celebrity culture, do you like?

Question: Here's a piece ive written about celebrity culture, do you like!?
Its called:

The delusional collective neurology of a million nothings

I want to be a celebrity and celebrity wants to be me!.
My fast track to fame to be sent via email, Im sure you see!.
I want a Bugatti to crash, I wont be driving, my suit is too flash!.
Drivers are expendable but my suit is dependable, it all makes sense to me!.

I want to be a machine, like Arnie just bigger and mean!.
Ill rise in the morning on tv screens, newsreaders talk nothing but me!.
I want to be a chef like Gordon Ramsey, maybe he can cook for me!?
Ill do the shouting, the world can be pouting, but theyll still pay to see!.

I want my children to eat more than me and Chelsea FC for tea!.
Ill train them my culture to circle round vultures, but spit out the meat!.
Yes Ive concluded that im not deluded, even Simon Cowell just dreams about me!.
I want I want I want I want AAAAARRGGGHHHH MMMOOOORREEEE I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really just want to be wanted, by the people important to me, is that too much to ask!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is good stuff, Doctor!.

Many times I read things that questioners wish to have read by strangers, and with a few exceptions like your piece, they are not so good and at times quite dreadful!. One most weigh their criticism carefully, as many of the writers are youngsters!.

The celebrity world is a perfect target for send-ups of satire and burlesque, and even derision or outright hostility!. There is clearly a link between the amount of time, space, and energy devoted to the hyperpersonalities we are confronted with daily and the long lists of seeemingly anonymous war dead, catastrophic Earth mutilation (read as self-mutilation), and poverty!. By pulling our attention, limited to begin with, away from egregious government action or inaction, violence, and the electronic estrangement of those we live amongst, and focusing our myopic vision on the latest rehab escapee or starlette misstep, we forget or ignore how badly unchecked Capitalism and its Enforcement Wing devalues life!. A struggling single mother writes a series of books which become movies and lunchboxes and apparel and ultimately colorful plastic slave-labor trinket kitsch next to the gutbomb McMeal!. People in my country can't find Kansas City or Kinshasa on a map but can tell me how to get to Wisteria Lane from Smallville!. The "reality" show pandemic, rather than elevating the Average Jack or Jill to paparazzi grist, merely accentuates the difference between, say, David Bowie and the guy who drives our bus!. These ersatz reality fungi envelope us with the possibility of getting the fifteen minutes Andy Warhol assured us was our destiny, yet once the brass ring is grabbed it proves itself to be lead, or on occasion!. plutonium, which compromises societal health!.

Eye must say that when I got to the part about the Bugatti I was immediately reminded of J!.G!. Ballard's "Crash"!. In this amazing novel, Vaughan, himself a fringe lunatic shivering in the weak heat cast by Celebrity, dreams only of crashing his car into the limousine carting Liz Taylor away from Heathrow Airport, thereby welding melding melting the Unremarkable Self into the molten Media-made Star Cosmography, the crumpled, torn metalrubberglass boxes a honeymoon bed for the logical sex-death-car-Star deflowering!.

PS--that's no dig against Bowie--love the guy!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The delusional collective neurology of a million nothings"



Its absolutely brilliant, and very appropriate for our celebrity crazed age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tell you what: write some music for it, and go on the X-Factor and perform it!.
You'll wow 'em!.Www@QuestionHome@Com