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Position:Home>Poetry> I've put away the jumping crop. Poems should be nurtured, not neutered. Don&

Question: I've put away the jumping crop!. Poems should be nurtured, not neutered!. Don't you agree!?
“Poetry, Old Man, how are you!?”
With a wheeze, poetry answers, “I’m
fine, Professor Einstein!.”
“Did you ever
get that child
to understand!?”
“No,” poetry relies, “I didn’t find
a young Hawking!.”
“What about that little Russian girl,
Valzhyna Mort!?”


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nice, I have to wiki to catch up! Nicely put with a subtle dig at convention!. Thumbs be up on this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aw, get the crop outa here!Www@QuestionHome@Com