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Position:Home>Poetry> I gave up poetry awhile back, and just read it to become better at writting it n

Question: I gave up poetry awhile back, and just read it to become better at writting it now!. Should I give it up again!?
Normally for yahoo answers I just write what ever comes mind!.
So, here's a poem!.!.!.
And the question is: Should I write poetry!?
I don't want to waste time writting it when I could be reading it, and getting to know all the styles out there, which is what I consider my second option to be!. It seems like the only way to improve is know where others move!.

Stuck in the middle of my own despair!.
Gasping for hope but there is no air!.
Caught in the string of my own incumbering faults!.
Numbed by the lightening of oppressive volts!.
I gather all power of self combined,
but all that is left is my past dragging behind!.
Can't find that needed hope, for well it hides!.
Can't fight this match against my own demise!.
No scream brings me release!.
No dream gives me peace!.
I'm at the bottom of the moutain looking high!.
The avalanche is coming, making it impossible to climb!.
To cursed to move!.
Stagnant stay!.
The avalnache is coming,
but I can't get out of the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The best advice I like giving out to people is you don't have to be a writer or a poet to write!. It's all in your own instinct!. Why worry about what other styles there are in writing and write how you feel comfortable hell I don't know much about the different kinds of style of writing but I write b\c I love it and although many may not understand what I write that is my own uniqueness or style as I'd like to say!.

You can always read poetry but don't give up on it b\c you'll find that poetry is a wonderful way of letting out emotions when you have no one to talk to at the time well it works for me!.Write from the heart b\c I think the best poetry comes from the heart of a person's mind!.

Keep writing and the sky is your limit, don't limit yourself by trying to analyse what's right\wrong with the style you use it's always best to be your own style rather than everyone elses!.

Be yourself in your writing thats the most important part a writer can give and be!. As long as your writing makes sense to you thats all that matters but you can always gurantee that there is always at least one person out there who'll connect with your writing and that's a better reward than nothing at all!.

Keep writing you have wonderful talent, if you keep writing you'll find your writing keeps getting better and better!.

I'm a writer myself and I know I've grown alot, my writing over the years have definitely improved and I believe it'll work for you as well!.

You can never learn too much remember that!

P!.S Post your writing on this site www!.urbis!.com thats where I post my writing as well and you'll get reviews from other writers on that site, it's good!. Yes there are @rseholes on that site but most of them don't even know what they're talking about!. Give it a shot what have you got to lose

Thanks for the awesome read!. It's great stuff what you've written!. I hope to see more of your writing soon on urbis maybe!.


I am a poet as well!. Sometimes I read poetry but most of the time I write poetry from the heart!.
Just like you did,
I thought that your poem was written well and came right from your inner self!. I believe that when a person writes poems it comes from them
I think that we are both fortunate cause we write from our heart and people will understand what we are saying!.
Sometimes not but that's ok!.
Good luck and keep on writing

Warm Regards