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Position:Home>Poetry> I'm super sad because i'm love sick again as usuall?

Question: I'm super sad because i'm love sick again as usuall!?
can you make a sad poem for me!? about a prince who lost his rare butterfly princess that flew away in a thousand different butterfly directions can we find the rare butterflies again and put her together again so I can dance with her >>>>------->!?<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You aren't giving me much to work with!.!.!. It's a work in progress, but here you go:

Vines and tendrils curl about the trellis!.
Beside ancient stones; you used to dance
With each and every hyacinth!.
Embraced the moon on your powdered wings;
Onyx and sapphire married!.

And whispered tales of lore, old as time
Inside the ears of princes while they sleep
Soundly, in their mortal luxuries;
Opulent silks and jewels
Encrusted in each chitonous scale!.

Sucre dish strategically placed
A sweet offering, the creature indulged
And on the score night, a single thread
Of white gold in its place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mmm!.!.!. definitely sparking an idea, but I'm way too tired to write tonight!. I'll email you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com